Will there be alcohol?
Most likely. We are trying to find a venue and a caterer with the appropriate cash bar liquor license.

Why isn't my name on the Class List?
The 2004 Graduates list is constantly being updated as we get new names in. However, you can always contact us and request your name be added.

When will the reunion be?
It will be in October. The exact date is still being worked out, but we are looking at somewhere during the weekend of the 24, 25, 26.

Where is the reunion located?
This is also being worked out. Plan on either Moreno Valley, Riverside, or a neighboring city. We have contacted several venues and have toured a few. We will have this information updated for you shortly.

What will the entertainment be?
We are talking to a DJ. We also are looking for a photographer, photo booth, and are planning on having prizes available throughout the reunion.

Does everyone know about the reunion?
No. We are trying to reach everyone. We have the Facebook group page, this blog, and have registered on Classmates where we can update reunion information. If you know someone who is not on social networks PLEASE direct them to either the Facebook page or to this blog.

What about our classmates who have passed away?
We will have a memorial spot for them at the reunion.

How much will it cost?
Hopefully we can keep it down to $30 per ticket. A Paypal link is ready to go up on the blog as soon as we have the date and location confirmed. Once you purchase your ticket(s) online you're done. You don't need to print anything out. We will keep a list of those who have paid. It will be $40 cash at the door.

What about those of us who graduated from Val Verde?
Rancho Verde and Val Verde had the proms, baccalaureate, and graduation together. We find it appropriate that our reunions also be together.

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